How To Disconnect Motorcycle Battery In 5 Simple Steps

 If you are looking to replace your motorcycle battery for whatever reason, you'll first need to remove it.

In this article, we're going to take a look at how to disconnect a motorcycle battery in 5 simple steps. Once you have completed these steps, you can then choose to replace it or see if there are any problems. 

How To Disconnect Motorcycle Battery

Here are the 5 steps to disconnect a motorcycle battery: 

  1. Read the manual

  2. Access the battery

  3. Disconnect the negative cable

  4. Remove the positive cable

  5. Remove the battery

1. Read The Manual

Before you start trying to remove it, we suggest you first take a look at the manual. 

The manual will give you information on how to remove disconnect the motorcycle battery for your model. Read it carefully, especially if you have never disconnected a motorcycle battery before.

2. Access The Battery

Next, you need to find the battery to access it. 

The battery could be in the upper right fairing, under the fuel tank, or in some cases under the seat. Try to locate it. 

If you are unsure where the battery is for your model, consider searching Google. Although this is also why you must use the manual, as it will give you the details for your model. 

3. Disconnect The Negative Cable

Before you look to remove the battery, disconnect the negative cable. 

The negative cable is black in most cases, and normally has a minus sign, i.e -. When you disconnect this cable, you minimize various risks such as the battery "grounding out".

4. Remove The Positive Cable

Next, you will want to remove the positive cable from the motorcycle. But only after you have broken the circuit through the previous step. 

The positive cable is marked with a plus sign, i.e +. 

5. Remove The Battery

Now that you have removed and disconnect the two cables, the battery is disconnected too.

There may be something around the battery that is holding it down. Whatever it is, remove it first. 

From here, you can remove the battery.


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