How To Make Your Own Henna


The world is such a beautiful place to be in. Every single culture of this world has contributed to something beautiful that you have engaged in today. It could be you had Mexican food and found it amazing, or you have used some Yoga techniques to exercise. All these come from different parts of the world.

The one that is of most interest to you right now, is the intricate art that can be made just by drawing on the skin. And no, this is not like a tattoo, but rather a beautification method, just to take things over the top for an already beautiful woman.

Here’s how you can go about making your own henna.


Things you will need.


Of course, henna isn’t a singular product that you just buy off the shelves and apply. There are several other things that you will need to get going. These are…

  • ·         Fresh henna powder. This can be found at your local Indian store.
  • ·         Essential oil, especially those that contain terpinols such as tea tree oil.
  • ·         Lemon juice
  • ·         Sugar.
  • ·         Mixing bowl and spoon. They should not be of metal.
  • ·         Gloves.
  • ·         Cake decorating bag and associated tips.
  • ·         Olive oil.
  • ·         Tape and scissors.
  • ·         Plastic wrap or cling film


Let the process begin.


1.      When going out to buy your own henna, look for a powder that is green-brown in color. This is how you would identify fresh powder. If it is too brown, then it is of poor quality. If it is too green, some coloring may have been added in an attempt to fool you.

2.      What you will need to do is measure a quarter cup of henna powder and sift it into the mixing bowl. This helps prevent large blocks that will block the application process. Also, if the design you are thinking of is small. It would be best to reduce the amount of henna you use.

3.      Take the lemon juice next and slowly add it in while stirring. The consistency you are looking for is something closer to toothpaste. While you are mixing, ensure you are breaking up the lumps so you get a smooth mixture.

4.      The next thing is to add in the sugar and the essential oil of your choice. Measure out a quarter teaspoon of each and add into the mixture. Stir until you get a silky texture that oddly looks edible.

5.      Wen you are done, it’s time to wrap the bowl with the plastic wrap or the cling film. You should let it rest at room temperature for a period of 24 hours. This gives it enough time to draw out the dye from the henna. If you do not have that much time, a little bit of help from a warmer location wouldn’t hurt. This could be the top of the fridge or under a light. The warmth should be sufficient to prepare the mixture in three to four hours.


The Application.


Making henna is the easy part. Now you have to utilize your art skills to apply the product onto your skin. Here is where the cake decorating bag and tips come in. They should give you the control you need.  



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